We might be moving to a new house. There's a 20'x20' garage in the back (pictured above) that we will convert into a studio if we get the house. This is a BIG DEAL for me and I feel it will be world changing for my work as well. Fingers crossed and of course I'll give you guys the blow by blow during the construction/remodeling process.
I'd like to thank a very special friend for helping us make this happen. Without you this would not be possible! THANK YOU!
Good luck with it. It does indeed look like an ideal place for a studio.
Wow! This sounds awesome!
Best of luck - I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you :D
Thanks guys!
Dream came true! crossed fingers for you!
Thanks Erica :)
Long story... but we might not get this house. We put in a full price offer because we really wanted it and the bank decided not to sell to us. They think it's worth more?! Basically they set the price and not they're going back on their word. So sad...
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