Thank you EVERYONE who contributed to this, you guys are amazing! Also a big thanks to everyone who helped pass the word, I can't believe how many people knew about this raffle. I was eating Pho with my husband last night and overheard a couple talk about it in the next booth. LOVE IT! The raffle ended at midnight PST (about 30 minutes ago) and we have raised a total of $6590.00 for the Japan Red Cross Society! I will go make the bank wire in the morning and I'll post a receipt for the transfer after it's done.
And the winners are:
#153 Sean & Candace
#88 Eben
CONGRATS guys! I wish I can do something for everyone who entered ^_^
There's always a need for crisis relief. If you're interested in helping I highly suggest donating to the Red Cross.
That's so fantastic! Every little bit helps!
Hip hip hooray!
wow!!! that is an amazing total! ^_^
Awesome! Looks like if the 20th number was picked, I would have won. :P
You already did do something for everyone, Diem.
You took something already beautiful (your work) and exploded it into philanthropy and everyone who was involved got a chance to be inspired! Thank You!
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