Day 5 and I'm finished!
I spent 3 hours yesterday (Day 4) redoing the newspaper bed. I removed the frame, took out all of the newspaper I had laid down and double dug the bed. Then I reinstalled the frame. I was tired by the end of that 3 hours and called it a day.
Today (Day 5) I filled all of the beds with soil. I'm surprised it took almost 5 hours to do! I also cleaned up the work site a bit. I found that it was faster to mix the soil directly in the beds. I started by mixing in the wheelbarrow and that wasn't very efficient. I'm planning to make a summery post so that all of the important information is in one place.
All-in-all this project took 5 days (about 22 hours not including travel time to the many stores). I was able to do most of this myself, but you definitely need a second person to lift the raised bed frames and set them in place. The cost was about $250 with soil.
And so we start! We went to a few nurseries and bought some starter plants. I was surprised to really like the plant selection (and price) at Fred Meyer. I went to the one in the Ballard/Fremont area. Their plants were healthy and well watered with the exception of a few cucumber flats.
I'm also starting a few things from seed like spinach, lettuce, radishes and peas. I've found with plants like tomatoes and peppers I get better results from buying gallon pots. It'll be my first time growing broccoli and cabbages. I never had enough space before, they're such HUGE plants. Fingers crossed!
As I was finishing off with the beds I looked over to the gate and began to wonder what I can do there... maybe a row of raspberries or asparagus? This will be the never ending project.
Great job on the beds. I sooo wish I had a yard after looking at these. Broccoli is easy to grow and taste better home grown, if you ask me. :) Good luck with the garden.
Thank you :) We've done the apt/condo living for many years and it is frustrating not being able to go big with gardening. I've had a few "earthbox" planters and they really work well, especially if you have a sunny balcony (or even just a sunny window).
Here's a homemade one at our old house:
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