I'll have a selection of carvings in the Neo Kitsch show at ArtsWest in Seattle. I'll be at the opening on Dec 9th. It should be a fun show, please come if you're in town. I believe Charles Krafft will be there as well... I've never met him in person, but I'm a BIG FAN of his work!
Neo Kitsch
December 5th-24th
Artists reception Dec. 9th, 6 – 7:30pm
ArtsWest Playhouse and Gallery
4711 California Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98116
I've just been wandering around blogs and I just have to say - wow. You work is so so so cool. Talk about elevating the mundane! Brilliant stuff.
Your crayon carvings are great.
Would you mind to tell something -
Do you perhaps freeze the crayons prior to carving, to reduce the chance of breakage?
Thank you.
to Anon-
I don't mind at all :)
I like to carve when the crayons are slightly warm. If they're too cold they tend to chip and snap. If they get too hot I leave fingerprints behind. It's a balance. When I work in the summer time I'll take breaks and soak my hand in ice water to cool them down. In the winter I hold the crayons for awhile before starting to warm them up a bit. Funny how there's so much to know about such a simple task.
Hi, Diem Chau! I just found out about your work through Boing Boing. Am so sad to miss your exhibit at ArtsWest. I live so close in West Seattle, too. I really like your style. Hopefully, I can catch your work sometime soon.
Thanks Lynda :) I have a show coming up at the Bellevue Art Museum.
I discovered your blog me too through Boing Boing, which shows your crayons carved with chinese zodiac... and I have to say that your work is really impressive! To carve a crayon seemed to me already very difficult, but those pencils made me gasp!! I love your art, I'm happy to have stumbled upon your blog...
Thanks Memi :)
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