High Touch Visuals
Editors: R. Klanten, S. Ehmann, M. Huebner
ISBN: 978-3-89955-232-4
The borders between graphic design, illustration, art, interior design, architecture and craftsmanship are becoming increasingly blurred. More than ever before, graphic design is being used as the underlying medium together with multiple practices to manifest creative visions. Following in the footsteps of Hidden Track (2005) and Tactile (2007), Tangible presents further developments from the work of young designers and artists who are experimenting with this multidisciplinary approach and creating outstanding original “tangible” designs.
These designers from different disciplines are choosing to no longer work exclusively in two dimensions, instead dealing intensively with space, materials and physical products. Each chapter in the book features different trends and styles demonstrating various approaches and solutions to this new area of graphic design. Graphics morph into spatial sculptures, the intangible is made visual through handmade craftsmanship, physical experiences, visual environments and staged spatial installations such as art installations, interiors and architecture as well as urban interventions.
The striking visual work in Tangible indicates the rise of graphic-inspired interior designs as artists, graphic designers, typographers and illustrators transform their ideas into shops, restaurants, hotels and fair stand designs.
I'm very excited to by a part of this book! My work is featured on pages 53 and 135. A few of my favorite artists are in it as well like Peter Callesen and Joshua Allen Harris. After thumbing through this book I've certainly found MANY new faves! Well worth the price, you can find it on Amazon too.
Pg. 53, upper right corner
"What I've Been Told" (collection of Deborah Paine)
Pg. 135, lower right corner
"Girl and Boy"
"Yellow Girl"
I LOVE this work!
Levi Van Veluw
Sagmeister INC.
"Obsessions make my life worse and my work better."
Sept 13, 2008 Sagmeister Inc. installed 250,000 Euro cents on Waagdragerhof Square in Amsterdam.
8 days 100+ volunteers
Sadly 20 hours after the installation was completed and the coins were left unattended someone came along and stared scooping them up. A concerned resident called the police. They stopped the "criminal" but then decided to "preserve" the artwork by sweeping up all the remaining coins and carted it away.
just thought I'd let you know the http://www.levivanveluw.com/ link isn't quite right!
Thanks Annie! Fixed
Oooh! Congrats! That is sooo exciting.
You should buy a new blythe. J/k ;D
Thanks Cat! I just got MLC XD So bad...
I love the tiny animals and people on food. They're really beautiful landscapes.
The food artist is:
Minimian & Lise Fefebvre (France)
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